
Irthlingborough                                          Contact:

Food Bank                                       07804 857 119



If you are in need of help from the food bank, please call us for a chat on 07804 857 119 or send a text message. The phone number is monitored on Tuesdays and Wednesdays only - between 9.00 am. and 5.00 pm. If you call outside of these hours we will respond as soon as we can. The return call might be in the evening.

The food bank opens wide its doors on alternate Thursdays (7.00 pm. - 8.30 pm.) and Fridays (11.30 am. - 1.30 pm.). Please call or check our Facebook page to find out when we are next open.

Who are we and what do we do? The food bank is run by friendly volunteers from Irthlingborough, Woodford and The Addingtons. We listen. We do not judge. We are here for you.


We collect and sort food items, make up parcels and distribute them to all who are in need of a helping hand. Anyone can contact the food bank. We do not discriminate. We have close links with the local churches, but welcome all, regardless of belief. Further, please be assured that confidentially is maintained at all times.


What will the food bank give me? We will give you a parcel containing enough food  to tide you over for a few days. Toiletries and feminine products will also be offered. We often have pet food in stock too, so don't be afraid to ask.

Will I have to give you personal information? Yes. We will ask for your contact details. We will not share your information with other agencies without your permission and records are kept securely. We may ask further questions to enable us to signpost you to other helpful organisations that might be able to assist you. A confidential assessment may be completed prior to being given a parcel.

How can I access the food bank? Anyone is welcome to access the food bank which is located at the Salvation Army Citadel in Spinney Road, Irthlingborough. Please note the aforementioned opening times.

Will I have to pay for my parcel? No. All food is given free of charge.

If you are struggling, for whatever reason, please do visit or telephone us. 

We are here to help you!


Click on the link below for our latest poster on opening arrangements:-

Irthlingborough Food bank dates_Jan 2024.pdf
Click here